Rental Law, regulates the rights and obligations arising from the lease agreement between the tenant and the landlord. This field covers both residential and commercial leases and provides the legal framework for resolving disputes that may arise between the parties. Rental Law is based on the relevant provisions of the Turkish Code of Obligations (TCO) and ensures the protection of the rights of both tenants and landlords. Key elements of this area include the protection of tenant rights, the terms of the lease agreement, determining and updating the rent amount, and other related issues.
The primary goal of Rental Law, is to balance the rights of tenants and landlords, creating a fair and secure relationship between the parties. With the increasing rental prices in large cities, disputes in this area have grown, making Rental Law even more critical in addressing conflicts.
The main topics addressed within the scope of Rental Law include:
- Form of the Lease Agreement: Kira sözleşmesinin nasıl yapılacağı, yazılı ya da sözlü olma şartları.
Kira Bedeli: Kiranın nasıl belirleneceği ve hangi şartlarda artırılacağı.
- Tenant Rights: Legal rights the tenant holds throughout the lease term and the legal recourses available if the landlord violates these rights.
- Landlord Rights: The landlord's rights under the lease, and sanctions that may apply if the tenant fails to fulfill their obligations.
- Lease Term and Renewal: The term of the lease, termination conditions, and the extension of the agreement.
- Eviction Lawsuits: Legal methods and processes for evicting the tenant when necessary.
Rental Law is crucial for providing legal solutions to disputes between tenants and landlords. Therefore, seeking assistance from a legal expert helps prevent potential loss of rights and ensures the fair enforcement of legal provisions.